PLASMA Lab is a compact, efficient and flexible platform for statistical model checking of stochastic models. Though in an early stage of development, PLASMA Lab already demonstrates the following advances:
- Use your own simulator and checker via our plugin system.
- Build your software around Plasma Lab using our API.
- Prism (Reactives Modules Language-RML) and Biological languages supported.
- Distributed architecture. Whether you plan to use several computers on a local area network or a grid, you can run PLASMA Lab in an easy way.
- Fast algorithms.
- Efficient data structure, low memory consumption.
- Developed with Java for compatibility.
PLASMA Lab, is being integrated into the DALi and DANSE project platforms.
How to cite PLASMA Lab
- PLASMA-lab: A Flexible, Distributable Statistical Model Checking Library. Benoît Boyer, Kevin Corre, Axel Legay, Sean Sedwards, QEST 2013: 160-164
- A Platform for High Performance Statistical Model Checking – PLASMA. Cyrille Jégourel, Axel Legay, Sean Sedwards, TACAS 2012: 498-503